Greater Tarrant County Alumnae Chapter

Chapter News

Please check back as we update our calendar.

September 9th - 11:30 a.m.  Fall Membership Kickoff/Salad Luncheon at Linda Webb's house - 3605 Prather Ct in Arlington.  Please RSVP at 817-417-5857.  Treat yourself to sisterhood!  Join us for a salad luncheon.  Please bring your favorite salad to share and dessert will be provided.  We will also have a very short business meeting.  We will hold a drawing for everyone who has paid their dues by the meeting.  The winner will receive a really cute goodie bag. 

November 16th - Make it/Bake it/Sew it/Grow it with the Dallas Alumnae Chapter.  Details will be posted here later.  This is Dallas' Annual Fundraiser and they have invited us to participate with them.  This is a live auction and we've heard is a really great time! 

December 3rd - Founder's Day with Dallas and Denton County Alumnae Chapters and the Delta Theta Collegians.  Details to come.

February 15th - 7:00 p.m.  Sweetheart Dinner.  Location to be determined closer to date. Suggestions are welcome!

April 22nd - Bridesmaid's Dress or Formal Tea.  We all have those dresses that we paid a fortune for and will never get to wear again.  Let's get them out and show them off.  We'll vote for the best and worst dressed for a cute prize.  We are in need of a host for this event.  If you are interested, please let us know.  Also, this will be our Ritual Meeting and Officer Installation. 

May 5th - Dallas Arthritis Walk.  We participated in this event last year with the Dallas Alumnae Chapter and raised $290.  Way to go, Ladies!! We are really looking forward to participating again!

Quick Facts

Download the latest copy of our newsletter:

Fall 2006



  Email us if you have any ideas for future sisterhood events.

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