Greater Tarrant County Alumnae Chapter

Ten Reasons to Join Us:

10. Do something for yourself –

Alumnae chapter involvement may be just what

you have been looking for

- a group of friends where you can be yourself.

You decide how active you want to be.

9 . Be proud of AOII and DFW –

what a wonderful place!

8. Get a real value –

When you join an alumnae chapter – you get the whole package.

Alumnae dues are set locally at only $40, but we accept additional donations.

7. Choose to be involved in AOII-

There are many opportunities open to you as an active alumna.

If it interests you, perhaps you would like to take a role

in an alumnae chapter or

become a network specialist. The choice is yours.

6. Develop personally and professionally -

Programs address a variety of topics -

Participating in the activities of the alumnae chapter affords

leadership options for personal satisfaction as well as occasions

to develop professional, personal and managerial skills.

5. DFW networking –

Fellow members can share the benefit of their associations -

whether they are career opportunities, names of doctors,

child care resources, restaurants, school systems, or sports programs.

4. Discover new friendships –

If you are new to an area, what's the best way to meet people?

Attend an alumnae chapter gathering!

The members of the chapter span diverse ages, locations,

collegiate chapters, professions, and interests,

yet all have the same bond in Alpha Omicron Pi.

3 . Renew old friendships –

If it's been awhile since you've been active,

you may even find a lost sister.

2. Let your light shine –

As an active alumna, you may showcase your

talents and skills as you wish.

In addition to supporting Arthritis Research,

our international philanthropy, our alumnae chapter supports

local charities and women and children issues.

1. Have FUN!!! -

Enjoy DFW together!


Contact Us:


Erin Ellis



Treasurer/Website Editor:

Tamara Jackson




Alpha Omicron Pi International Web SiteAlpha Omicron Pi FoundationAOII Emporium

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