These are busy times for us -- balancing
professional, family, volunteer and personal activities
and responsibilities. As we juggle our daily lives, we
look forward to having something that is just for us.
When we reflect upon our college days, we remember the
camaraderie and good times we experienced being an AOII
as we pursued our academic studies. The good news is
that you can still enjoy the fun and fulfillment of AOII
sisterhood through an AOII alumnae chapter!!
We invite you to attend a meeting of our Greater Tarrant
County Alumnae Chapter, or get to know us online here at
the website, and discover some of the benefits that
alumnae membership has to offer.
Maybe you're asking yourself, "Why should I participate
in an AOII alumnae chapter?" There are so many reasons!
Fun -- we all need to have a little fun in between
everything else in our lives. Friendships -- that
special bond and acceptance that can only come from
others who have shared ritual. Networking --
opportunities to network with AOII's from varied
backgrounds, occupations, collegiate chapters, etc. The
list of benefits you will get from your alumnae
involvement are numerous and priceless!
GTCAC has nurses, teachers, legal professionals,
students, wives, girlfriends, sisters, mothers,
daughters, both married and single, who come together to
rejoice in our bond as sisters and friends. AOII come
from all over Tarrant County to join us.
Each month we schedule an event where members have the
opportunity to meet with other actives from the alumnae
chapter as well as welcome others who are looking to
become involved in a circle of friends who offer a wide
range of activities to a diverse group of women. Please
accept our invitation to join us at any of these events
so we may introduce ourselves to you and show you the
spirit of our sisterhood. We only ask that you make
contact via email with the alumnae who is sponsoring the
event so that we can expect you an plan accordingly.
Thank you for visiting us online at the GTCAC of AOII