Greater Tarrant County Alunmae Chapter

Welcome to our Website!!

The Greater Tarrant County Alumnae Chapter is located in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We are very excited about the upcoming events planned and hope you will join us. We have a diverse membership and we feel that there is a place for every interested AOII Alumna within our chapter.

Whether you enjoy sisterhood outings, dinner parties, philanthropic events, or assisting the ladies of Delta Theta, we have a place for you! If you are interested in networking, meeting new friends, or rekindling old college friendships, then we have a place for you! No matter how busy your schedule is, we have a place for you!

With the introduction of our new website, we are able to provide a constant source of chapter news and sisterhood to all of our current and potential members. All AOII Alumnae are free to visit the website and make use of everything here.

Please join us, either in person or here on the web, and discover the amazing sisterhood we have to offer!


One Motto,

One Badge,

One Bond,

And Singleness of


Proudly located in the

Heart of Texas



Upcoming Events:

September 9th-  11:30 a.m. Fall Membership Kickoff/Salad Luncheon

Linda Webb’s House-3605 Prather Ct., Arlington/817-417-5857

Treat yourself to sisterhood!  Join us for a salad luncheon (please bring your favorite to share-dessert will be provided) and a very short business meeting. 

We will hold a drawing for everyone who has paid their dues by the meeting.  The winner will receive a really cute goodie bag!





Mission Statement

Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic excellence and lifelong learning, and developing leadership skills through service to the fraternity and community.


AOII provides an opportunity to have fun and enjoy all that the college experience has to offer. Good times are at the heart of each AOII chapter’s activities. From sharing laughter with sisters, to planning recruitment parties, to dancing at a Formal Event, membership in AOII is fun. Years later, when we think back on our collegiate experience, the moments that we remember most are the great times with the best of friends, our AOII sisters.


Alpha Omicron Pi International Web SiteAlpha Omicron Pi FoundationAOII Emporium

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August 21, 2006 11:25 AM

©2006 Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity